
On 9 November, ECRN President Fabrizio Sala exchanged views on industrial policy, REACH, and the competitiveness of the European chemical regions with Jerzy Buzek, the chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) in the European

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As of November 2016, the ECRN Secretariat in Brussels will continue to support chemical regions and regional actors under the leadership of a new Director, Renatka Krcova. She takes over the position from Dr. Hanny Nover, who retires

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New President of ECRN

After elections in the ECRN General Assembly on 16 June 2016, the ECRN has a new President: Fabrizio Sala from Lombardy. The meeting was hosted in the the Representation of North Rhine-Westphalia in Brussels and preceded by an

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The European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) and the European Renewable Resources and Materials Association (ERRMA) are working closely together on Bioeconomy. To mark this collaboration, we present a joint statement on our common interests on sustainability and the

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On 19 May 2014, 10 leading public-private organisations in biobased innovation of North Rhein Westphalia (NRW), The Netherlands and Flanders launched BIG-C as the integrating organisation for current and future biobased initiatives. More than 150 industrialists, scientists and

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In the context of the 20-21 March European Council, the European Chemical Regions Network has formulated a set of recommendations on issues that should be emphasized and addressed in the debate on industrial competitiveness. We stress the importance

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