The European Committee of the Regions’ ENVE Commission launches a written stakeholders’ consultation aimed at feeding into the preparation of its upcoming opinion on the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) which was published on the 11th of March 2020 by the European Commission as part of the European Green Deal.
With this Plan, the Commission seeks to scale up the circular economy from front-runners to mainstream economic players and to contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and decoupling economic growth from resource use.
This online consultation, aimed at providing the rapporteur Tjisse STELPSTRA (NL/ECR) and his expert Ingrid ZEEGERS with comments and suggestions, is open to representatives of local and regional authorities (LRAs) and their stakeholder associations. Experts, officials of EU institutions and think tanks are also invited to contribute.
To frame the discussions, the rapporteur is sharing with you his ENVE commission work document containing some general and other more specific questions structured around the following four aspects:
- The LRAs’ role in delivering the circular economy
- Shift in economic system
- There is no waste, there are just resources
- Setting targets/framing legislation
Given the Covid-19 crisis, the ENVE rapporteur draws attention to how dependent we are on resources, inside and outside Europe, and further enquires what lessons can we learn from this sanitary emergency that we’ll need to take into account when moving towards a new, circular and fair society?
The rapporteur’s working document is currently available in English whilst all the other languages will be made available by the 8th of April. After this dates, please check the consultation’s webpage for other languages.
The current ENVE opinion’s working calendar (depending on the evolution of the crisis situation) is the following: work document is scheduled for discussion in the ENVE Commission meeting on the 8th of June; the draft opinion is foreseen for adoption at the ENVE meeting on 9th of September; final vote at the Plenary Session of 13-14 October 2020.
Written contributions can be shared until the 1st of May. Alternatively, you can reply to the questions raised by the rapporteur in his work document by sending them to Aliona.Fornea@cor.europa.eu and enve@cor.europa.eu. In addition, please note that the rapporteur and his team are also available for online meetings and chats upon request and when appropriate.