On 27 January 2016, ECRN and the Representation of the State of Hessen to the European Union organized an experts’ discussion on “REACH and procedures for SMEs”.The speakers included Andreas Herdina, the SME Ambassador from the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Dr. Klaus Berend from DG GROW and Dr. Suzanne Wiandt from Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) Dortmund – German National Helpdesk REACH. Regional officials and industry/SME representatives participated in the discussion and presented their views. Herdina from ECHA gave a briefing on the REACH procedures for SMEs and gave examples of support, infocards and advisory services provided on ECHA’s internet platform. There will be also workshops for SMEs for direct feedback. From the Commission’s perspective, Berend emphasized in particular the need to involve SMEs for the REACH process and easing the monetary burdens for SMEs. He aimed especially for the need of fair, transparent and non-discriminatory set of rules in chemical policy. These actions with many others are aiming towards general streamlining of the REACH process together with lowering its costs. On the other hand, Wiandt offered a thorough look on the functions and routine of the German REACH helpdesk. She pointed out the great need for the helpdesk, as it receives around 200 to 300 contacts every month. Regional and industrial parties emphasized also the great need for the national helpdesks and the possibility to be informed in all the European languages.