In order to highlight the perspectives of the chemical regions in the context of the ongoing discussions in the European Parliament on Digitising European Industry, ECRN organized a thematic roundtable on “Digitising European Industry – Unlocking the potential of industrial transformation in the regions” in the European Parliament on 22 March 2017. The event was hosted by MEP Massimiliano Salini, and during a morning of intense discussions, views were presented from DG GROW, DG CONNECT and DG REGIO of the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions, the industry, as well as ECRN members and regional representatives.
The objective of the event was to increase the awareness among ECRN regions of EU-level policy development and to showcase examples of regional experiences. By bringing together a rich pallet of actors from various backgrounds – the EU institutions, industry and regional representatives, the event provided an effective learning platform through exchange of views and expertise. The participants discussed the opportunities that EU initiatives open for regions and regional cooperation in the field of digitization, the role of public-private partnerships as well as the role of regions for supporting cluster initiatives.