The European Chemical Regions Network participated in the Second EU Industry Days, taking place on 22-23 February, to discuss the development of a full-fledged European Industrial Policy and the future of a competitive European industry. The second edition of the European Commission’s initiative to host annual Industry Day attracted great interest from policy makers, industrial players, clusters and researchers and stimulated rich discussions on acute trends such as digitalization, sustainable and low-carbon technologies, education modernization, etc. ECRN stays behind the calls for holistic Europe-wide Industrial Policy that creates best framework conditions for companies to grow in Europe and to access foreign markets.
At the event, ECRN has been also one of the entities to represent the regional dimension in the EU industrial policy making. Our network strongly agrees that regional policies and inter-regional cooperation stimulate innovation and industrial modernization in Europe, and their role shall not be overlooked.
More information about the event here. If you are interested in the upcoming local EU Industry events, please check the agenda here.