Pact for Skills Peer-Learning activity - October 4th, 9:30-13:00, Online
After our successful experience in leading the chemical partnership S3Platform for Industrial Modernization, we have been invited to discuss and share advice and useful practices from our experience in the first Pact for Skills Peer-Learning Event. We believe that technical and digital skills will be essential for Regional development, for a just and green transition new skills and new workers will be needed.
In 2015, the European Commission launched three thematic smart specialisation (S3) platforms to encourage EU regions and their innovation actors to build strategic S3 partnerships, promoting business investments and complimentary use of regional funding for innovation in specific smart specialisation areas. Since then, an increasing number of S3 partnerships have been established, creating a transnational and interregional collaborative network of place-based innovation ecosystems between regions and countries with similar or complementary S3 priorities. The S3Platform we joined had 4 main ambitious objectives: foster sustainable production, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy production in chemical plants, promoting high value-added value chains, and supporting close to the market productions
The Pact for Skills on the other side is an engagement project launched by the European Commission back in 2020, it is the first of the flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda. It aims to support public and private actors with upskilling and reskilling projects, and it does so by providing advice, creating a reliable network, and guiding members through funding opportunities at different levels. Synergy between private and public stakeholders through networks is crucial for fostering effective regional development and can bring increased coherence in the programming and implementation of activities related to skills development.
The upcoming Peer-Learning activity is the first of its kind, it will strengthen participants’ knowledge and awareness of the regional dimension of upskilling and reskilling and encourage the development of regional partnerships among Pact members. Despite their differences and characteristics, we believe that all Regions can benefit from the platform. ECRN is proud to share its experience and support new and recent Pact members.
Learn more on how the Pact can be beneficial for your organisation, join the pact!