ECRN disseminates High Level Group results in its regions: Successful High Level Group Follow up Conference in Ústí nad Labem on 16th/17th April 2009 – Final Report available now!

ECRN disseminates High Level Group results in its regions: Successful High Level Group Follow up Conference in Ústí nad Labem on 16th/17th April 2009 – Final Report available now!

High Level Group Follow up Conference in Ústí nad Labem

The High Level Group (HLG) Follow-up Conference “Delivering the HLG results in the regions” which took place on 16th/17th April 2009 in Ústí nad Labem/ Czech Republic was a big success for the ECRN and its member region Ústí, who had been organizers for this event under the patronage of the European Commission and the Czech Presidency: Over 120 participants and high-level speakers from all over Europe representing regional, national and European institutions, industry, academia and associations had assembled in Ústí to discuss the HLG results and how these results can now implemented. Furthermore, the ECRN Executive Board formally adopted a joint congress declaration with the title “A competitiveness agenda for a

Participants of the High Level
Group Follow up Conference
in Ústí nad Labem

 sustainable chemical industry in Europe – Implementing the HLG recommendations with the chemical regions in Europe” which was distributed among the participants and which will be also addressed to European policymakers.

Ústí-Conference 16th/17th April 2009

16th April 2009

17th April 2009

Final Conference Report
