ECRN representatives from all over Europe met in the Representation of member region Bavaria to the in EU in Brussels for the ECRN General Assembly and Executive Board meetings on 25th and 26th February 2010. After lively and constructive discussions which were chaired by ECRN President and Minister of Economy and Labour of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. Reiner Haseloff, ECRN priorities and projects for the year ahead were decided upon by the representatives who also re-elected ECRN Vice-Presidents Karl-Uwe Bütof, Director of Industrial Policy Department in the Ministry for Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Tony Richmond, Councillor of Darlington Borough Council from Tees Valley. Petr Fiala, Vice Governor of the Ústí Region, was elected as the Czech Executive Board Member of the ECRN. Furthermore, the General Assembly officially welcomed the 21st ECRN member region to the network. ECRN President Dr. Haseloff expressed his great satisfaction with the fact that the ECRN continues to grow and thereby strengthens the leverage of its single voice even further on the European level.
The ECRN website will inform on all events and activities in 2010. For an overview on the ECRN’s achievements and activities in 2009.