Overview: The aim of the project is to identify needs and common solutions for the improvement of intermodal transport of dangerous goods in Central and Eastern Europe. ChemLog wants to overcome barriers for transnational intermodal transport by promoting the exchange of experience and facilitating the development of tracking and tracing solutions for dangerous goods.
Funding scheme: Central Europe Programme ERDF
Duration: 1 July 2012 – 31 Dec 2014
Project partners: Ministry of Science and Economy of Saxony-Anhalt (DE), isw Institute for Structural Policy and Economic Development (DE), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (DE), Polish Chamber Of Chemical Industry (PL), Ustecky Region (CZ), Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic (CZ), Association of chemical and pharmaceutical industry of Slovak Republic (SK), FH OÖ Research and Development GmbH/Logistikum (AT), MAG Hungarian Economic Development Center (HU), University of Maribor (SL), Province of Novara (IT), La Spezia Port Authority (IT), Circle Srl (IT), CIMA Research Foundation (IT), Ministry for Regional Development and Transport Saxony-Anhalt (DE).