Fraunhofer Institute in the region of Saxony-Anhalt (DE) and Brightlands Materials Center in Province Limbug (NL) has recently joint efforts on an innovative and forward looking project. Components made of fibre-reinforced plastics, produced by 3D printing are the focus of the joint endeavour. The ambition of the partners is to develop materials and technologies that enable manufacturing of highly resilient and tailor-made components for automotive, aerospace and construction industries.

The basis of cooperation is the complementarities between the two partners, the possibility to share skills and facilities, while on regional level they share strong chemical and plastics industry.
The aim of the project corresponds to broader societal needs for sustainability and resource efficiency. Political support to the project is there as well. Both the Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitization of Saxony-Anhalt and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Province Limburg recognize the importance of this partnership and admit that it is enabled by the long-term cooperation between the regions, for example in networks like ECRN.
More about the project and the profile of the two partners can be found here.