
POWER4BIO Horizon 2020

Overview: POWER4BIO aims at empowering regional stakeholders to boost the transition towards bioeconomy regions in Europe by providing them with the necessary tools, instruments and guidance to develop and implement sound sustainable regional bioeconomy strategies. Partners: Lombardy (IT), Flanders (BE),

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Overview:  the main objective of the project is to support chemical companies and logistics service providers in their ambitions to shift transports from road to multimodal. ChemMultimodal is an European cooperation project between regional authorities, chemical industry associations

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Overview: The aim of the project is to identify needs and common solutions for the improvement of intermodal transport of dangerous goods in Central and Eastern Europe. ChemLog wants to overcome barriers for transnational intermodal transport by promoting the

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Eemshaven, Groningen


Overview: ChemClust means “Improving Innovation in European Chemical Clusters”. It describes a Regional Initiative in INTERREG IVC Programme of the EU. The overall objective is to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies in the area of innovation and

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We are excited to participate in this year’s EURegionsWeek on Tuesday October 11th, at 14:40-16:00! The participatory lab will allow regional and local stakeholders to share their experiences in implementing skilling actions to tackle the challenges posed by

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