What is the Working Group on Chemical Industry? In February 2023, the Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs set up the ’Working Group on Chemical Industry’ as a sub-group to the High-Level Expert Group on

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On 25/26 April ECRN took part in the 7th Just Transition Platform Conference. The two day conference facilitated between stakeholders on the journey of a just transition towards a climate-neutral Europe. Commissioners Ferreira and Breton, Minister Baljeu and other

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Great news on our projects!  ACE-EX and Chemskills have been officially successfully evaluated! The two projects align with our commitments within the Year of Skills and to work on twin transitions. We are looking forward to playing our

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Some great news from ECRN! Welcome Catalonia! Catalonia Region, through its agency ACCIO’, joined ECRN during its latest General Assembly on February 27th.  There are already many things to work on: from S3 Specialisation to hydrogen and circular

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SYSCHEMIQ – Project Webinar

On Monday 27th February we gathered with our members and private stakeholders to host a short information session on the SYSCHEMIQ project. Maurice Olivers from Brightlands Chemelot Campus gave us a comprehensive presentation of the project goals and

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