In a period of important political and structural changes on the European arena after the Parliamential elections in June this year and shortly before the coming into power of the Lisbon Treaty, this year’s second Parliamentary Evening of
read moreIn a period of important political and structural changes on the European arena after the Parliamential elections in June this year and shortly before the coming into power of the Lisbon Treaty, this year’s second Parliamentary Evening of
read moreLiège, 6. November 2009 Opening panel of the 7th ECRN Congress Chemical stakeholders from all over Europe representing regional, national and European institutions, industry, science and associations got together in Liège on 6th November 2009 at the occasion
read moreThe latest update of the who-is-who of the European Chemical regions is available now. As usual, it compiles comprehensive information about the chemical industry in the current ECRN regions and about their key players for economic development at regional
read moreECRN Director Michael Hack was invited to the Europe Innova Partnering Event to contribute to the panel discussion “Promoting new forms of clusters” in September 2009. He highlighted the various cluster initiatives which exist in the ECRN regions
read moreOn the afternoon of the 17th September 2009, with its seminar on innovation in chemical regions the ECRN started into the new season after the summer break. Speakers from the chemical industry, clusters, regional agencies and European networks
read moreOn 8th July 2009, in Leuna/ Saxony-Anhalt, representatives from the chemical sector coming from industry, public sector and academia discussed the regional dimension of the HLG recommendations for Saxony-Anhalt and how the implementation of these recommendations can be
read moreThe ChemLog project celebrates its first Dissemination Conference on the 24th of June in Prague. Representatives from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Italy will discuss challenges for chemical logistics in Central and Eastern Europe. During the
read moreOn the latest meeting of the Ministers of Economy of the German Länder on 18th/19th June 2009, ECRN President and Minister of Economy and Labour of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. Reiner Haseloff, reported on the High Level Group on Chemistry
read moreThe Competitiveness Council which met on 28th May 2009 called on the European Commission and all other relevant stakeholders to implement the HLG recommendations, as they are crucial for the future success of the chemical sector in Europe. The
read moreThe ECRN continues to implement actively the High Level Group results in its member regions: On 29th April 2009, the first implementation event after the Ústí conference took place in Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia. Under the heading “Chemical industry
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