From November 2010 onward, the Brussels Secretariat of the ECRN will be led by Dr. Hanny Nover. Dr. Nover will initiate a process for building a new strategy and future vision for the network, and in her work,

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The 22nd member region, Brandenburg from Germany was welcomed to the network at the Executive Board meeting preceding the Annual ECRN Congress held in Brussels on 7 October 2010. While the growth of the network further strengthens the voice

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The ECRN continues to grow: At its latest General Assembly meeting on 26th February 2010 in Brussels, the network officially welcomed its 21st member region, Yorkshire & The Humber from the UK. The ECRN consequently is on its

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ECRN representatives from all over Europe met in the Representation of member region Bavaria to the in EU in Brussels for the ECRN General Assembly and Executive Board meetings on 25th and 26th February 2010. After lively and

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