On May 27 the European Commission presented a revamped EU long-term budget worth €1.3 trillion and a €750 billion EU recovery programme to push the European economy out of the crisis. The total spending would bring the EU
read moreOn May 27 the European Commission presented a revamped EU long-term budget worth €1.3 trillion and a €750 billion EU recovery programme to push the European economy out of the crisis. The total spending would bring the EU
read moreThe 2020 Call for proposals of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking BBI JU is now open until 3 September 2020, 17:00 CET. With a budget of €102 million, the initiative will finance projects working on faster development of new
read moreThe European Committee of the Regions’ ENVE Commission launches a written stakeholders’ consultation aimed at feeding into the preparation of its upcoming opinion on the new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) which was published on the 11th of
read moreA new global study from BloombergNEF (BNEF) finds out that clean hydrogen could cut up to 34% of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and industry if policies are put in place to help scale up technology, and
read moreThe European Commission has recently unveiled the latest three key elements of the European Green Deal, which are of huge importance to the EU chemical industry: the European Climate Law, the new EU Industrial Policy Strategy and the Circular Economy Action Plan.
read more2020 ECRN General Assembly took place on February 21, gathering all ECRN member regions to take strategic decisions on the future of the network. Members appointed Mr. Lieven Top from Flanders region as a new member of the
read moreOn 20 -21 February 2020, the region of Flanders in Belgium and the European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) organised a two days workshop looking at ways to better integrate primary production into biobased value chains, within the framework
read moreOn 19 February 2020, POWER4BIO partners met in Brussels for the Project’s General Assembly and Steering Meeting. The event was hosted by the Flanders government that is also participating in POWER4BIO with its Department of Economy, Science and
read moreOn 14-15 November 2019, the European Commission organised its third edition of the Smart regions 3.0 conference, focused for this year on boosting innovation and supporting the catching up regions through Smart specialisation. For two days, more than
read moreThe Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is launching a new ‘digital’ bioeconomy platform for regions and industry in January 2020. The concept is based on a digital, partnering platform where regions and industry can make contact based on mutual interest.
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