On 19 May 2014, 10 leading public-private organisations in biobased innovation of North Rhein Westphalia (NRW), The Netherlands and Flanders launched BIG-C as the integrating organisation for current and future biobased initiatives. More than 150 industrialists, scientists and politicians from the area attended the launch event. The driving forces of the initiative are CLIB2021 (NRW), BE-Basic (NL) and FISCH (Flanders). NRW and Flanders are both ECRN members and the Netherlands is represented in our network by Limburg. The megaCluster BIG-C is a prime example of interregional collaboration at its best and we hope that BIG-C fulfils its potential in adding value for the whole region and helps in capitalising on the biobased opportunities and sustainable solutions. Read more about the launch event here.