JTP: ECRN chosen as 1st circle member of WP on Stakeholder Engagement

JTP: ECRN chosen as 1st circle member of WP on Stakeholder Engagement

ECRN has been selected to be part of the 1st circle members of the Just Transition Platform (JTP) Working Group on Stakeholder Engagement. 

The Just Transition Platform (JTP) facilitates EU countries and regions in accessing support from the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM), introduced by the European Commission in 2020. JTP offers technical and advisory assistance to address social, economic, and environmental challenges in transitioning to a sustainable, climate-neutral economy. Between 2021-2023, it managed four Working Groups focusing on carbon-intensive sectors, leading to concrete actions and recommendations. The new JTP Working Groups aim to enhance JTM implementation, particularly focusing on stakeholder involvement and addressing social impacts. Launching in 2024, they will concentrate on stakeholder engagement and equal opportunities, fostering collaboration and guideline formulation for effective JTF projects.

The Stakeholder Engagement Working Group will encompass a range of transition sectors (including energy, steel, cement, chemicals, etc.) and involve segments of society directly affected in JTF territories. Its aim is to evaluate and explore effective methods and best practices for engaging diverse stakeholder groups in the implementation of the JTM. Leveraging the findings from the initial Working Group on Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy, this group will generate actionable plans and strategies to enhance stakeholder involvement within JTF regions, offering practical solutions for implementation at the grassroots level.

Know more abou the Working Groups here.
