12th European Congress of Chemical Regions

12th European Congress of Chemical Regions

Ústí nad Labem (CZ) on 22. October 2014.

The 12th Congress of the European Chemical Regions, titled “The competitiveness of the chemical industry and the factors affecting it – 3E (Energy supply, Education & Skills, Economy & Innovation)”, was organised in Ústí nad Labem (CZ) on 22 October 2014.

The ECRN Congress is an annual event organized by the European Chemical Regions Network and its members. In line with the established tradition, the Congress serves as a forum for bringing together decision-makers, industry representatives, academics and stakeholders from regions and the EU to exchange views and experiences. The 2014 event was hosted by ECRN member region Usti in Czech Republic.

In the 2014 Congress, the discussions and presentations addressed the key factors that influence the competitiveness of the chemical industry through a “3E” framework comprising of aspects like energy supply, education and skills, and economy and innovation. The Congress programme featured speakers from authorities, the chemical industry, universities and research institutions. During the “Market of Ideas”, the participants were introduced to a range of inspiring activities and initiatives initiated and implemented in regions across Europe.

