Maastricht (NL) on 24. October 2013.

The 11th Congress of the European Chemical Regions, titled “Demand driven innovations through triple helix cooperation in chemical regions”, was hosted by ECRN member region Limburg in Maastricht (NL) on 24 October 2013.
The ECRN Congress is an annual event organized by the European Chemical Regions Network and its members that brings together decision-makers, industry representatives, academics and stakeholders from regions and the EU to exchange views and experiences.
The 2013 agenda featured prominent speakers from the regional authorities, the chemical industry, universities and research institutions. Participants heard about and had a chance to discuss regional rationale and policies on innovation and triple helix cooperation and their application in practice. We will also discussed some of the latest trends and future outlook of the European chemical industry, particularly in the context of green growth, cluster initiatives and innovation.
Moreover, participants had a possibility to explore a “Market of Ideas” – an exhibition area filled with displays and presentations of regional experiences, best practices and projects that illustrate the variety of activities taking place in and across chemical regions in Europe.
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Market of Ideas:
Congress venue:
MECC Congress Center
Forum 100
6229 GV Maastricht