In the context of the 20-21 March European Council, the European Chemical Regions Network has formulated a set of recommendations on issues that should be emphasized and addressed in the debate on industrial competitiveness. We stress the importance
read moreOn 10 April 2013, the Committee of the Regions organized a conference on EU Industrial Policy. The conference was a part of series of events highlighting the importance of European regions and cities in implementing the Europe 2020
read moreDuring 2012, the ECRN collaborated closely with the European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry) in the framework of a study titled “Analysis of policies in chemical regions to support the competitiveness of the chemicals industry”. The study was
read moreThe European REACH Regulation has been in force for 5 years and a review of the legislation, its implementation and impacts is due in 2012. The European Chemical Regions Network is preparing to contribute to the process from
read moreOn 2 December, the ECRN Permanent working group decided to promote a “European research initiative – coal as an alternative chemical raw material for basic chemicals and fine chemicals to supplement the development of energetic use”. During the next
read moreA network like ECRN is all about contacts, collaboration and communication – with members, partners and stakeholders, both current and prospective. An important part of ECRN activities consists of meetings and events organized for the network members, such
read moreThe Who-is-who is also available as pdf-document.
read moreOn 19 May, the outgoing ECRN President, Prime Minister Dr. Haseloff, the newly elected ECRN President Prof. Dr. Wolff, and ECRN Vice President Alberto Cavalli met with Commissioner Tajani and handed over the network’s joint position on the
read moreThe outgoing ECRN President, Prime Minister Dr. Haseloff and the newly elected ECRN President, Prof. Birgitta Wolff as well as the ECRN Vice President Alberto Cavalli met with the Vice President of the European Commission in charge of
read moreOn 19 May, the General Assembly of the European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) elected Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wolff as its new President. Prof. Dr. Wolff is the new Minister for Science and Economic Affairs in the government of
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